Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lawrence 2E1

Everyone knows what bullying means. It can be being called horrible names or picked on because of things like how you look or act, your family or your race and religion. It can be people telling lies about you or being left out and ignored. It can be people threatening you to make you feel scared and they might make you give them things or make you do things you do not want to.

I had a friend who had encountered cyber bullies before, I advised him to talk to someone instead of letting it upset him. It is important to talk to parents, teachers, friends and other people around you. I always remember that it is not our fault if we are being bullied and cyber bullying is not allowed, and that there is always something we can do about it. If we are being bullied, we should always start by telling someone about it.

Cyber bullying can happen through email, chat rooms, instant messenger or websites and blog-spaces, as well as by text messages. Cyber bullying can happen even when you are at home or on your own when you use the internet or have you Mobile phone switched on. Sometimes, with cyber bullying you might not even know who is doing it because they can pretend to be someone else!

Cyber bullying can make us feel very bad. Being bullied can make us feel upset, embarrassed, sad or scared. It can even make us feel ill! And I personally feel that those who encountered cyber bullies might start avoiding classes or skipping school to avoid the bullies if they are people you already know. This can make it difficult to concentrate on our school work.

About Online Privacy, my online privacy had never been compromised because I seldom give out my private information freely online as I feel that it is not an ideal choice. It is very important to keep our passwords private as if we spread our passwords around, people might be able to hack into our accounts and they might be able to use our privacy to threaten us!

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