Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Evan Koh 2E1

Cyber-bullying is well-known around the world. Some of my friends were victims of cyber-bullying. I've never been cyber-bullied before and I'm not a cyer-bully either. My friends were cyber-bullied mostly because of them accidentally insulting the bully, accidentally did something wrong to the bully, and sometimes the bully does it just for "fun".

Anyone can be cyber-bullied, even friends, relatives and teachers maybe. Cyber-bullying can come in forms of threats, insults and more. So just be more careful of offending another person. You might just get cyber-bullied. But if you are being cyber-bullied, consult a counsellor like Mdm Persis, a teacher like your form teacher, close friends or your parents.

I feel that cyber-bullies are cowards. Cowards I say. If you want to bully, why not bully in reality? Why bully using the internet? Cyber-bullies are cowards, usually timid and bullies to get back at the person they hate or just want somethings valuable that they can use like informations. Cyber-bullying is known worldwide and is known to be one of the most cowardly acts. Cyber-bullies usually insult their victims or threaten their victims. Such childish acts can cause victims to go under depression from non-stop insults which may cause them to do foolish things like cutting, starving, and more horrible outcomes. That's why I know that cyber-bullies are cowards and if you know any of your friends are being cyber-bullied or you are cyber-bullied, don't be afraid of telling someone that can help. Don't worry, cyber-bullies are cowards..

Evan Koh 2E1

Have I ever had my online privacy compromised? Not really, my online privacy's quite safe. I make sure that my online privacy is kept safe as it's a very valuable thing, once exposed, you can never ever get it back. It's like scamming, once you're foolish enough to fall for email scams and give up your back account details, the scammer will have those details forever. Online privacy's like your personal details like where you live, where is your school located, what's your age, and more. Such details can be very valuable to scammers or evil internet users so be sure to keep them safe, never tell anyone, maybe one or two of your family members like your siblings or parents but never ever tell others, not even friends. You won't know what might happen in the end...

Lim Yang Teng. 2E1

  Singaporean teen spend an average of 17.2 hours on the internet each week, but most of them don`t know much about cyber wellness, being an easy prey to cyber-scammer and cyberbully. Cyberwellness is a term which encompasses not only concerns around safety and security online, but also considers people's psychological and emotional.
  Nowdays children and young people are becoming active producers and consumers of online content, services, communications, And with these freedom to express themselves to others, that some of them say they have lost control over the amount of time they spending on internet and think life without internet is terrible.
  Cyber wellness is also being respectful, rational and understanding of harmful online behaviour, awareness of how to protect your-self against it. Many do not know what is legal and what is not, hence most do not report any illegal activity they may come across online, like downloading software from internet,  many show ignorance about copyright laws.
  Young people are not using internet optimally, using it as a tool and publish wrong information online to harm others. Or using it for scamming,bullying or hacking into others computer to steal valuable and confidential information,like credit card number and password.
  Best way of protecting children from possible risks is to teach children and young people knowledge, skills and understanding of cyberwellness and the ability to make correct decisions about the appropriate way and safe use of internet.